The First Attempt to Freeze

6th Online Meeting, August 10, 2020

Mentor: Petr Viktorin



4th minute

Handle relative links correctly - according to test_structured which tests on

def test_structured(tmp_path):
    """Test if an app with relative URLs works.

    freeze(app_structured, tmp_path)

    path1 = tmp_path / "index.html"
    path2 = tmp_path / "users/index.html"
    path3 = tmp_path / "users/a/index.html"
    path4 = tmp_path / "users/b/index.html"

    path_not_exists = tmp_path / "users/c/index.html"

    assert path1.exists()
    assert path2.exists()
    assert path3.exists()
    assert path4.exists()

    assert not path_not_exists.exists()

This demo_app_structured includes a page which has a slightly more complicated path starting with a folder '/users/' which branches out to two other sub-pages, for user A and user B. At the moment Freezyt recognizes this route as an absolute path, and leads to route '/a/' instead of '/users/a/'. Until this point the url_to_filename() function would take both absolute and relative URLs as arguments. The solution for issue#27 was to always make an absolute path out of any relative link/path received as an argument. To solve this we need to add the base (scheme and netloc attributes) to the link/path to make an absolute path out of the relative. For example: The freeze() function takes two parameters, base and url:

The best way to do this is using the urljoin method, which joins the base address and the rest of the URL. To start off with an absolute address, a full_url was added to links in the freeze function instead of just '/':

links = ['http://localhost:8000/']

Next we needed to make sure we also get full_urls in the visited links as well. The visited_links list is populated with new links from the get_all_links() function which is why it was necesary for this function to also return absolute urls. This way we made sure that we prepend the full address to the links and visited_links lists. In this way we are always working with absolute URLs. The changes made to get_all_links() and get_links_from_node() (the addition of a base_url argument and the urljoin method) are visible bellow:

-def get_all_links(page_content: bytes) -> list:
+def get_all_links(page_content: bytes, base_url) -> list:
     """Get all links from "page_content".

     Return an iterable of strings.
+    base_url is the URL of the page.
     document = html5lib.parse(page_content)
-    return get_links_from_node(document)
+    return get_links_from_node(document, base_url)

-def get_links_from_node(node: xml.dom.minidom.Node) -> list:
+def get_links_from_node(node: xml.dom.minidom.Node, base_url) -> list:
     """Get all links from xml.dom.minidom Node."""
     result = []
     if 'href' in node.attrib:
-        result.append(node.attrib['href'])
+        href = node.attrib['href']
+        full_url = urljoin(base_url, href)
+        result.append(full_url)
     for child in node:
-        result.extend(get_links_from_node(child))
+        result.extend(get_links_from_node(child, base_url))
     return result

Consequently, we needed to add an argument (base_url) to the since it calls the get_all_links() function where we added the base_url argument. Furthermore, to test the new 'relative links' feature of the get_all_links() function a relative link <a href='fourth_page/'>LINK</a> was added to the test as well. In case get_all_links() was called with a path like http://localhost:8000/path1/path2/ the relative link should also link to it, so a new test_get_links_path() was added.

def test_get_links_path():
    links = get_all_links(b"""
                <title>Hello world</title>
                Hello world!
                <a href='/second_page'>LINK</a> to second page.
                    <a href='/third_page'>LINK</a> to third page.
                <a href='fourth_page/'>LINK</a> to third page.
    """, 'http://localhost:8000/path1/path2/')

    assert sorted(links) == [

This test ensures (asserts) that when given an absolute link, nothing will change:


And when given a relative link (ex. 'fourth_page/'), the base appends the relative link:


To get a clearer picture as to why and how this happens, here is how the url_to_filename() function looks like at the moment:

def url_to_filename(base, url):
    """Return the filename to which the page is frozen.
    base - Filesystem base path (eg. /tmp/)
    url - Absolute URL (eg. http://localhost:8000/second.html)
    url_parse = urlparse(url)

    if not url_parse.scheme:
        raise ValueError("Need an absolute URL")
    if url_parse.scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
        raise ValueError("got URL that is not http")

    if url_parse.netloc == '':
        raise ValueError("Need an absolute URL")

    if url_parse.netloc == 'localhost:8000':
        url_path = url_parse.path
        raise ValueError("got external URL instead of localhost")

    if url_path.endswith('/'):
        url_path = url_path + 'index.html'

    return base / url_path.lstrip('/')

Tests still failing

18th min

After the aforementioned changes, most tests were failing and the reason was that in the freeze() function we changed the links into absolute links only:

-    links = ['/']
+    links = ['http://localhost:8000/']

More precisely, these links are used as the value for the 'PATH_INFO' in the environ dictionary. According to the general structure of an URL scheme://netloc/path, 'path' is what comes after the base address/netloc. This was easily changed by entering the following before the environ:

+ path_info = urlparse(link).path
+ print('path_info:', path_info)

         environ = {
             'SERVER_NAME': 'localhost',
             'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
             'SERVER_PORT': '8000',
             'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET',
-            'PATH_INFO': link,
+            'PATH_INFO': path_info,

Test Driven Development - Refactoring

22nd min

def test_relative():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        url_to_filename(base, "/a/b/c")


34th minute

In order to freeze we started with the documentation in the README file Usage. After cloning both freezeyt and we needed to find a way to import both files and since they reside in different folders. The first option, suitable for this first attempt is to set up an environmental variable PYTHONPATH:

$ export PYTHONPATH= /home/user/freezeyt (on linux)


set PYTHONPATH= ../freezeyt (on windows)

(""/home/user/"" is the absolute path where you cloned your freezyet repository. Adjust according to your system)

The second option, is to install freezeyt into the virtual environment and in the same folder with the application that we are freezing. This is a future enhancement.

Now you can import both freezeyt and pyladies_cz and start freezeyt:

$ python -m freezeyt --help

Loading freezeyt as a module will likely fail because of missing pyladies_cz. To overcome this, we needed to create the _build folder to store the frozen content:

$ mkdir _build
$ python -m freezeyt pyladies_cz _build

Moving forward, we had to satisfy the requirements for missing libraries, which are part of the pyladies_cz code (ex. flask_frozen). These Python dependencies are included in the requirements.txt file under the pyladies repository. We installed them in the same venv:

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Next start freezeyt again:

$ python -m freezeyt pyladies_cz _build

If there are any other missing Python libraries, you will have to install them by hand $ pythong -m pip install <lib>

First result from our freezeyt

Starting the Python http.server module in the _build folder will start a simple webserver which will serve the frozen pyladies_cz web pages, including styles sheets (CSS). Note, some images were missing at this point of the freeze process.

$ ls _build/
$ cd _build
$ python -m http.server

The Missing Images

49th minute

To make sure that freezeyt will handle images appropriately, we created a sample demo app that serves an image file Next, we implemented a feature in the, get_links_from_node() function to handle src tags. This will write frozen image files under the static/ directory. A corresponding test for this functionality has been implemented in test

How can we be sure that the frozen website looks exactly as it is supposed to look like?


We have an advantage with the website because it is already a static website. It's content was frozen using cli from the Elsa freezer which turns each page into a html file which then appears in Git on the gh-pages branch. Also if we upload a new html to the gh-pages branch, Github deploys it as a static web-page.

This gives as an opportunity to compare the content of the gh-pages and our freezeyt output for the same.

How to do this step by step:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository and check the entire history:

    $ gitk --all
  2. In the directory switch to branch gh-pages:

    $ git checkout gh-pages
  3. At this point we have the actual pages created instead of the source code which makes it possible to use a tool that can compare the content with the same on freezeyt. This can be done by using a graphic diff and merge tool Meld or just the terminal command:

    $ diff -r -U3 <pyladies_cz_repository/> _build

The Issue with Elsa's Commits

1hr:12min We ran into an issue when trying to compare because when Elsa makes a change it creates a completely new commit, separate from the commit history and it saves this new commit to gh-pages without the history. Git pull would remove all previous commit history since Elsa created a new commit for every change. This way gh-pages would not show the history of commits:

Elsa's commit history

When we have an old commit locally in our gh-pages and git pull finds origin/gh-pages without any history the merge is not possible because git only merges with branches which branch out from a previous project/change:

Mergin unrelated histories

This is why it was necessary to force the switch to the origin/gh-pages branch even if it means loosing the history:

$ git reset --hard origin/gh-pages

This particular command is needed to align the local and remote gh-pages branch. Once aligned they can be properly compared using meld.

Elsa's commit history shown on the left, and the hard reset on the right side of the picture

Tip: When you start meld it is better not to turn it off until finished since it takes it some time to do the comparison

$ meld . _build

The following are all differences we found using Meld.

Issue#31 - broken links


The first difference we found, was that for some reason freezeyt processed a link reference (href tag) with an email address, as an actual page. In the source code it appeared that one of the email addresses was missing the 'mailto' scheme which was the reason for the difference that appeared in meld. This means that the link to the email address leads to nowhere and when opened, it takes us to 404 file not found. Due to the missing 'maito' scheme the browser takes the email address as a relative address which leads to nowhere and treats it as URL not found:

URL not found

How should Freezyt react to an URL not found?

Elsa did not notice this incorrect link because it only recognizes Flasks functions (in this case url_for()) and does not recognize functions from any other frameworks. Freezeyt starts by recognizing HTML tags such as 'href' and 'src' in order to be more comprehensive and capture functions and addresses coming from a variety of frameworks and not only Flasks url_for().

What to do with broken links? Ideally, freezeyt should notify the user of non-existent links when trying to freeze

from flask import Flask, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return """
            <title>Hello world</title>
            Hello world!
            <a href="nowhere">Link to nowhere</a>

Our new adjustments to need to pass a negative test. We want to test that calling freeze() with app_broken raises a ValueError:

def test_broken_link(tmp_path):
    """Test if an app with an image works."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        freeze(app_broken_link, tmp_path)

Tip: Solve issue#31 by catching all status codes other than "200 OK".

Again, continuing to check the differences:

$ cd ../
$ meld . _build

Issue#32 - Find a way for the freezer to recognize page redirections


ex. redirects to

As seen on the, Github page a special Flask route redirects old/outdated links to

def course_redirect(city):
    return redirect(url_for('city', city_slug=city, _anchor='meetups'))

In short, at some point pages layout looked different and the content from some outdated links is now redirected to the Brno meetups page - "". In order for the old/outdated links to continue working, they were redirected using this @app.route('/<city>_course/)'. Going through the current you will not find any links leading to /<city>_course/. All links are redirected to which means that our freezeyt is not able to find this page <_course>. Elsa finds the /<city>_course/ page by using a special generator which creates a course_redirect() page for each of the 'OLD-CITIES':

Issue#33 - recognizing CSS styles


Another difference was in the static folder in which all static files are stored. The freezer recognized some but not all CSS files there. For example, some of the fonts are linked from the CSS file without using the href tag and freezeyt failed to recongnize and freeze those too. The bootstrap is one long CSS file and the fonts are linked using the src:url syntax:

Halflings';src:url(../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot);src:url(../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix) format('embedded-opentype'),url(../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2) format('woff2'),url(../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff) format('woff'),url(../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-

Other CSS links were recognized properly since they are entered as a href link:

<!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
   <link href="/static/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
   <!-- Custom CSS -->
   <link href="/static/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">

Additionally, CSS fonts linking to an external page were not a problem as freezeyt is able to recognize links going to external pages:

<!-- Custom Fonts -->
<link href=',400italic,600,600italic,700&subset=latin,greek,greek-ext,vietnamese,latin-ext,cyrillic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

We are also missing some images from the bg folder (bg-background) which are also embedded in a CSS file.

Good Future Issues


Looking at the GitHub source code, some images of the team are commented out at the moment, but the images are not deleted from Frozenflask is integrated with Flask and it knows that all content stored in the static folders should be frozen. However, it does not recognize if there is a link to the image or if the image is used at all. The same behavior is demonstrated with images from sponsors in the past. Images have been unlinked from the HTML pages, but not from the static folder. Another issue is the folder v1 which contains the initial content of the page and we will need to find a way to solve this in the future.

Issue#34 - Add the possibility to generate additional files


All Github pages need the 'CNAME' and .nojekyl files. The CNAME file tells GitHub which domain name will be used to publish your web-page (in this case This is needed in order to publish this page on Github. If CNAME is empty than your page will be named by GitHub. We need to add/create the CNAME folder somehow in case the user wants to publish a page on to Github. Next we will also need to create an empty .nojekyl file.