LastScrape GUI (beta)

LastScrape is a program that takes your scrobbles from and lets you save them to your computer or push to another service, like
Built on the lasttolibre script.
This is version 0.0.6 of the lastscrape GUI.


2011-06-16: Using API via the lasttolibre project. Development is now done on Gitorious, with a bug tracker at the Foocorp's tracker. (Github still works though.) Version 0.0.6 released.
2011-03-28: Moved to Github. Version 0.0.5 released: fixed a bug caused by a recent update.

Quick Guide


  1. Lastscrape does not work unless you disable the “Hide real-time listening information” option in your configuration. So, disable it before scraping. In other words, your profile must be public.
  2. Download the latest Windows package from github.
  3. Extract it somewhere.
  4. Run lastscrape.exe and follow the instructions.
  5. Tell me how it went! Please don't forget this step for the beta.
If the program window doesn't show up (you get a message about missing libraries - please mail me the exact wording of the message), run the vcredist_x86.exe program included in the package and try again.
If you don't trust pre-built binaries from some random guy on the internet, follow the “Other systems” guide below.

Other systems

  1. Install PyQt4, along with its dependencies, Python and Qt4.
    sudo apt-get install python-pyqt4
    Download and install Python and PyQt4.
    Other systems
    Use your package manager, or build from source. Tell me how you did it afterwards, so I can update this page.
  2. Lastscrape does not work unless you disable the “Hide real-time listening information” option in your configuration. So, disable it before scraping. In other words, your profile must be public.
  3. Download the source archive from github.
  4. Extract it somewhere.
  5. Run and follow the instructions.
  6. Tell me how it went! Please don't forget this step for the beta.


Just so you know what you should be getting.

Get the source!

Run git clone git:// to get the source, including the packaging scripts and webpage, if you want those.
Clone the project on Gitorious! (Or, fork me on Github)
